Cool,One medal left!
Cool,One medal left!
I unlocked Orochi and it can be evil mode! Simple hold special and the character will change!Orochi has an awesome special!(down,back,down,back,special)
I'm on the zombie levels it must can be save!
This game is full of intense background story and specially the music. This made me feel like I was a hero. I wish to see more of this.
It was okay...
The game's interesting, it's like a puzzle you should solve. Nothing too new, I think I've tried this puzzle game before, but the graphics and music are great. Hope to see more of yours.
Side-scrollling zombie killing is cool! This game really rocks, can't wait for the next big thing!
The graphics were nicely done and the music brings the whole game pumped up and the player gets to have this intense feeling to totally dodge those missiles. This deserves 10/10 and 5/5. Kudos man, kudos.
Not much...
The game's just trying to survive some missiles by missing and dodging them. Pretty much cool game I could say, but it's really easy.
This is even better than the other one.
I should hope so!
Serris the ghost walkthrough!
Serris Walkthrough -
Go out of Church and touch the Statue. It'll tell you to befriend another witch to get The Book of Shadows.
Go down two screens and right one.
Go into Winnie's Hut and talk to her.
She wants you to collect a funker mushroom, a hairball, and a spider.
Go out of the hut left one screen up two screens and right one screen.
Stand over mushroom and collect it.
Then go left one screen down three screen (careful of the hole) and left one screen (you'll be near some boys outside of Town)
Go up one screen and go into the door at the top of the screen. Touch the cat,pet it, and collect hairball.
Go out of Town and up in front of the cememtary. Go left one screen and up a screen to be in front of Vampy's Mansion.
Go inside and in the bottom left corner is a spiderweb. Touch it and collect the spider.
Go back to Winnie's and she'll tell you she'll meet you soon.
Go back to the Cemetary and touch the Statue. She'll give you the book.
Go to Vampy's Mansion.
Go up stairs and left one screen. Talk to her. She wants a key, a coin, socks, and booze.
The key is on the table right behind her.
The coin is lying beside the boys outside of Town.
The socks you'll find when you fall down the hole in the ground.
The booze will be found in the bar; which you have to walk in invisible. And talk to the maiden (in your natural form).
Go back and talk to Vampy and she'll tell you she'll meet you later.
Pause (you'll need rings)
1st ring: In Town go left on screen from in front of the cat lady's house. Go up into the house at the top of the screen and into the left door. There'll be a girl crying. Get the Ring.
2nd Ring: Go outside of Crying Lady's House and down the steps at the bottom. Talk to Clerk and ask for something to enhance your beauty. He'll give you the Ring.
3rd Ring: Go into bar and talk to the guy at the right of the screen. Ask him if he broke up with his fiance and then ask him what he thinks of you? (i think) and he'll give you the Ring.
After you collect every ring and do all your little missions. Go outside of town and right one screen.
Then down one screen and left one screen.
There will be the pentagram.
Stand in the middle and press [spacebar].
Fight the Devil!
Good Game!
Blurb. Wtf is black when clean and white when dirty? Guess.
Age 34, Male
Uranus (Your Anus)
Joined on 12/25/07